Holiday Mums Night Out, December 14th


Hope that you are all looking forward to the holidays.  I know this season is extra busy but hopefully you will be able to take some time to attend our special holiday dinner.  We meet early this month on Thursday, December 14th, 7:00 pm at Clyde’s, 10221 Wincopin Circle, Columbia. 410 730 2829

As this is such a busy time of the year for the restaurant, I am booking a table for 8 to be on the safe side.  PLEASE let me know if you plan on attending so that I may change the count as it get closer to the 14th.

Traditionally, we also do a SMALL gift exchange (around $15) at this meal. Please do not feel like you have to participate, BUT if you would like to, please bring your gift in a gift bag or wrapped up. We will put the names of those participating into a bag and pass around.  The name that you draw will be the gift you will receive.

If you have questions please let me know.

Hope to see you next week.

Amanda Cheong

AT Discount Sales & Services LLC

6225 Painted Yellow Gate

Columbia, MD. 21045

Tel: 410 290 1327

Fax: 410 290 1012